Dentistry Portfolio

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DTS 2025 Programme


Can digital dentures meet the aesthetic aspirations of private patients?

17 May 2025
Digital Dentistry Theatre
Can digital dentures meet the aesthetic aspirations of private patients?

Learning Content

The presentation will explore the options available for making
dentures digitally, their advantages and disadvantages and how
close they come to the gold standard for Private Dentures. A
new pre-manufactured tooth, enigmalife digital, has been under
Beta testing in the presenter’s laboratory. The results, with tips
and hints for their use, will be reported.


Understand the current options and their outcomes for making dentures digitally. Learn practically applicable techniques to improve the aesthetics of dentures made digitally. Understand how making dentures digitally with the right techniques and materials can improve patient satisfaction both with their improved function and enhanced appearance.
Sam Hesketh, Founder and Lead Dental Technician - SJH Prosthetics


