Earn up to 12 FREE eCPD hours through our extensive and carefully curated programme, delivered by world-class experts. With three theatres and more than 30 hours of content - from lectures to discussions and demonstrations, whether you are a laboratory owner, clinical dental technician or dental technician, you really don’t want to miss out on DTS 2025.
Conference Themes
Technical Top-up
Continuous professional development is crucial to maintain and enhance your technical skills. The DTS programme covers a diverse range of topics, including the latest techniques and materials, so that you can stay up to date with industry advancements. From integrating analogue and digital into full arch rehabilitation to the hybridisation & modification of The Lancaster Lingualised Functional Appliance, and from digital workflows to assessing orthodontic treatment outcomes – the DTS programme will help you meet the evolving demands of both dental practices and patients.
Business Bites
Running a successful dental laboratory extends beyond technical expertise; it requires sound business acumen. DTS addresses this by offering sessions focused on lab management, marketing strategies, and financial planning. Exploring what the future holds for lab owners and managers is also crucial, join discussions to discuss this, as well as finding practical solutions to the challenges you face. You can also join sessions to discover how best to take advantage of the opportunities open to you – for example growing your dental laboratory business through apprenticeships.
Improving Wellbeing
Your job is demanding, and sometimes isolated – plus it’s not always easy to carve time out to check in with your own wellbeing. And even when you find the time, it can be difficult to know where to start. BDCDS will provide sessions to help you navigate mental health, prevent burnout, and foster a positive working environment and a work-life balance that works. You are your lab’s most important asset, it pays to look after yourself!
Boost Your Career
Continuous professional development is vital for your career progression. DTS serves as a platform for networking with peers, mentors, and industry leaders, facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration. Understanding the future of dental laboratories and how they work with dental practices and then applying that knowledge to your own career is invaluable and will help you to thrive and take advantage of every opportunity.
Innovative Technology
The integration of advanced technology is transforming dental technology. DTS will showcase the latest in digital dentistry, the latest materials and cutting edge equipment, from AI to CAD design, and from implant planning and printing to intraoral photogrammetry. NEW for this year – join the IDDA in the Digital Dentistry Theatre for live demonstrations and engaging sessions which will immerse you in the world of digital dentistry, whether you are a dentist or dental technician. Join them, and others, to explore the latest tools, but also to define best practice in collaboration and workflow across the team – to improve your efficiency and your patient outcomes.